?> 29 Core Options Trading Strategies For Beginners - projectfinance

29 Core Options Trading Strategies For Beginners

options trading

Options are incredibly versatile investment products. Calls and puts can be combined in innumerable ways to create custom-tailored options trading strategies.

These strategies can be designed to profit in bearish, bullish, or even neutral markets. 

In this article, projectfinace has compiled a list of 29 core options trading strategies for beginners. To learn more about a particular option strategy, simply click on the image. 

Bullish Options Strategies

Long Call Option

Long Call Strategy

Bull Call Spread

Short Put Option

Covered Call

Bull Put Spread

Cash Secured Put

Collar Spread

Covered Strangle

Synthetic Long Stock

Poor Man's Covered Call

The Wheel Strategy

Protective Put

Long Call Ladder

Bearish Options Strategies

Long Put Option

Bear Call Spread

Short Call Option

Bear Put Spread

Covered Put Write

Synthetic Short Stock

Neutral Options Strategies

Short Iron Condor

Long Iron Condor

Short Straddle

Long Straddle

Short Strangle

Long Strangle

Short Iron Butterfly

Long Iron Butterfly

Long Butterfly Spread

Long Call Calendar

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